
Chipmunk Removal & Control


Chipmunk Removal

Although these petite rodents may exude a harmless aura, their existence could spawn significant damage and even potential health risks. We offer specialized services for their removal and control, which are underscored by our commitment to employ humane and responsible strategies to tackle this issue.

Renowned for its swift motions and distinctive stripes, the Eastern chipmunk adds a unique flavor to our local wildlife. There are certain little known aspects of their nature that might surprise you. For instance, their proficiency in burrowing is exceptional, and they are capable of digging sophisticated tunnel systems stretching up to 30 feet. Thanks to their cheek pouches, they can conveniently store and transport food back to their burrows. Showcasing their agility, chipmunks can leap up to three feet, and during the winter, they hibernate, relying on the food they have accumulated in their burrows.

Observing the behavior and habits of chipmunks can be quite captivating. These small, terrestrial rodents, measuring around 8 to 10 inches, are recognized for their distinct color patterns of alternating black, brown, and white stripes, providing them with excellent camouflage. Diurnal by nature, they are lively during the day and rest within the confines of their burrows at night. Their diet is omnivorous, consisting of nuts, seeds, berries, fruits, insects, and even small vertebrates. Chipmunks are incredibly resourceful when it comes to sourcing and storing food, hoarding substantial amounts to last through winter.

Chipmunks demonstrate remarkable architectural skills in constructing their burrows, replete with multiple entrances and chambers, which serve as protection from predators and harsh weather conditions. They are adept diggers, creating elaborate underground tunnel systems featuring separate areas designated for nesting, food storage, and waste disposal. Their reproduction occurs during spring and summer, with females gestating for an average of 31 days before giving birth to litters of 2 to 8 offspring, known as kits, which are born blind and hairless and are dependent on their mother for sustenance and survival skills.

Identifying signs of an infestation involves being vigilant for physical evidence such as burrows, holes, and gnaw marks, detecting noises and chatter, observing damage to property, and acknowledging potential health risks like disease transmission. Chipmunks, while not a significant threat, can potentially transmit Lyme disease and the hantavirus, hence addressing infestations promptly is essential for health safety.

At Expert Wildlife Removal Service, we offer prevention and exclusion strategies that entail sealing potential entry points, modifying landscaping, securely storing potential food sources, and maintaining regular property upkeep.


Q. Are Chipmunks Aggressive Towards Humans?

A. They are generally not aggressive towards humans. However, they can become defensive if they feel threatened or cornered. It is best to maintain a respectful distance and avoid provoking them. 

Q. Do Chipmunks Hibernate?

A. Yes, they hibernate during the winter months. They enter a state of torpor, significantly reducing their activity and conserving energy. During this time, they rely on the food they have stored in their burrows to sustain them. 

Q. Do Chipmunks Carry Diseases?

A. While the risk is relatively low, chipmunks can carry diseases such as Lyme disease and the hantavirus. However, direct transmission to humans is rare. It is still important to exercise caution and seek professional assistance in handling infestations. 

Instead of a time-consuming DIY approach, our professional services save you valuable time and avoid unnecessary expenses. Our ethical guidelines dictate a respectful and humane approach towards these creatures, ensuring long-term solutions that protect your property and bring you peace of mind. As a licensed and certified wildlife removal company, Expert Wildlife Removal Service is committed to providing professional and reliable services. Contact us today for all your wildlife removal needs.

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